Site history

This page is intended to help visitors decide whether something of interest to them might have been loaded since their last visit.  (Entries more than a few years old tend to get weeded out.)

13th August 2024:  Released a minor update (2.01) of the “Solar Angles” spreadsheet.  Some potentially confusing comments have been clarified.

9th August 2024:  Released a minor update (1.09) of the “Parking analysis” spreadsheet.  The changes relate to the occasional problem with meandering command buttons.

30th July 2024:  Released very minor revisions to four spreadsheets.  The revisions merely make the spreadsheets more compatible with my evolving “standard format”:
»  Extreme Value (V3.06)
»  Parking Analysis (V1.08)
»  Stiffened Cylinder (V1.06)
»  Table Mixing (V1.02))

29th July 2024:  Released a minor update (2.04) of the “Multiple regression” spreadsheet.  The changes are entirely within the Documentation worksheet.

26th July 2024:  Released a significant new version (5.00) of the “Dynamics of a two-degree-of-freedom system” spreadsheet.  This corrects a long-standing error in the Harmonic results table, where some of the phasors had their phase angles wrong by exactly 180°.

12th July 2024:  Released yet another new version (4.01) of the “Dynamics of a two-degree-of-freedom system” spreadsheet.  The changes are further refinements in the TimeHistory_Calcs worksheet, including adding a bit of user-control over what is displayed in the graphs.

16th June 2024:  Released a new version (4.00) of the “Dynamics of a two-degree-of-freedom system” spreadsheet.  The changes are all in the Time-history_Calcs worksheet, and are improvements (I think), rather than error corrections.

15th June 2024:  Added a new non-software item, that being a pair of presentations I gave on the design and construction of Australia’s Alice Springs to Darwin railway line.

10th April 2024:  Released a new version (2.00) of the Solar Angles spreadsheet.  It turned out that the release of 1.03 a few days ago was not necessary, because its predecessor did not have any serious errors.  However this new version does include some worthwhile improvements.

6th April 2024:  Released a new version (1.03) of the Solar Angles spreadsheet.  IMPORTANT.  I believe that earlier versions of this spreadsheet had an error in their calculation of the sun’s incidence points, so I have removed this feature while I investigate.

19th March 2024:  Released a new version of the Draped Beam analysis spreadsheet.  This can now include in the analysis an external moment applied at the lift-off point.  There are also a few minor cosmetic improvements.

28th February 2024:  A completely new item.  A spreadsheet that helps the organisers of multi-session social tournaments to assign players to playing tables in such a way that ensures no player sits with any other player more than once.

19th January 2024:  Released a very minor revision to several spreadsheets.  The revision corrected a rare and totally inconsequential error where the “Documentation” worksheet’s index could show the wrong row number.  The vulnerable spreadsheets were:
»  Analysis of a draped beam (V1.02)
»  Loaded cable (V5.05)
»  Analysis of reinforced concrete cross-section (V4.10)
»  Dynamics of a two-degree-of-freedom system (V3.08)
»  Horizontal Lifeline cable (V2.06)
»  ‘Dynamic buckling’ of Euler column under short-duration loading (V1.06)
»  Simulation of random dynamic pedestrian loadings on a bridge (V2.01)
»  ‘Template’ for DIY spreadsheets (V1.03)

In addition, the Dynamic buckling and the Two degree of freedom spreadsheets also had some very minor improvements incorporated into these new releases.

16th January 2024:  Released a minor update (version 5.04) to the “Loaded Cable” spreadsheet.  There are no calculational changes.

16th January 2024:  Released an absolutely trivial update to the “Understanding and using your brain” document.

10th January 2024:  Released a minor update (version 1.02) to the “Template” spreadsheet.  Only change is in the associated descriptive document, where the question of “auditability” is now discussed and a table of contents is provided.  [An attempt to upload this update in early 2023 failed, but it took me a year to notice the failure.]

4rd December 2023:  Released a further update (version 22) to the “John Clarke Australian Verse” document.

9th November 2023:  Released a “medium” update (version 20) to the “John Clarke Australian Verse” document.

12th August 2023:  Released a minor update (version 1.01) to the Draped Beam spreadsheet.  Trivial improvements to the data validity checking.  No calculation changes.

23rd June 2023:  Released a minor update (version 4.09) to the Cross-Section Analysis spreadsheet.  It now includes a rectification process for the rare and random behaviour where the spreadsheet’s command buttons occasionally meander.  No calculation changes.

13th February 2023: 
(1)  Changed the download package for the Beam on Elastic Foundation program to include the executable file with its extension changed from .EXE to .ZZZ in an attempt to thwart overzealous protection systems.
(2)  Rearranged entries on the Software Downloads page in an attempt at more logical ordering.  Perhaps a slight improvement?

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May 2015:  I have at last had an opportunity to check my spreadsheets under Excel 2013.  The checking was relatively superficial, but it suggests that none of them have any problems.

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Nov 2012:  Site created.